Persuasive Speech On Too Much Homework
I fucking hate homework so i support this fully, homework can turn you into something your not which a straight up angry and confused ball of stress and this is what it does to me. Regardless of what the subject is right now schools give too much homework to us students and what it turns me and other people into scares the shit out of me.
persuasive speech on too much homework
When I started looking into the evidence, I was surprised to find that there is not much evidence that homework before high school benefits children. I really love this article by Justin Coulson, a parenting expert and psychologist, detailing why he bans his school age children from doing homework, concluding from the evidence that homework does more harm than good. A recent study showed that some elementary school children had three times the recommended homework load. In spite of this, homework has started appearing even in kindergarten and the first great in spite of recommendations to the contrary. This has become a source of great stress to families.
There is a perception that homework loads are excessive. This certainly may be the case in some communities or in high pressure schools. Teenagers certainly think that they have too much homework; here is a well researched piece written by a teenager who questions the utility of large amounts of homework.