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Owen Watson
Owen Watson

Websphere Application Server Express 8.0 19

This extension of support for Java SE 7 only applies to the IBM Java SDK when used to run WebSphere Application Sever V8.5.5 traditional and either provided as part of the application server installation or installed separately as part of the IBM i platforms. It does not apply to WebSphere Liberty, which has a single support stream for all product versions. End of support for Java SE 7.x with Liberty is September 30, 2019 to allow the Liberty code and included open source packages to move forward. Liberty CD updates delivered prior to September 30, 2019 will continue to work and be supported with Java SE 7.x as documented by the Support Lifecycle policy for Liberty.

websphere application server express 8.0 19

Additional migration guidance is provided in a WebSphere Application Server flowchart to help you decide which edition of the application server (WebSphere Application Server traditional or WebSphere Liberty) and platform (Docker, WebSphere for Bluemix, or local data center) best meets your needs.

2) The "kc.war" application is removed from the installableApps/ directory by this fix. If this application has been installed (deployed) to any application server (separately from isclite.ear), it must be manually uninstalled via the the Admin Console or wsadmin.

4. If the "kc.war" application has been installed (deployed) to any application server (separately from isclite.ear), it must be manually uninstalled via the the Admin Console or wsadmin.

I had the same issue when moving a web application from IIS 7 to 8, and I solved it by installing the URL Rewrite module, which I had completely forgot. So check that you have the correct modules etc. installed on your new server/IIS.

After completing the exercises in this guide, you will have a small Horizon environment with several published applications and a virtual desktop pool. The applications are delivered using RDSH servers. Both the server farm and the desktop pool are created using instant-clone provisioning.

VMware Horizon published desktops and applications are based on sessions to RDSH servers. That is, administrators use Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) to provide users with desktop and application sessions on RDS hosts. Delivering published applications and desktops is a very simple process:

The exercises that follow walk you through creating an instant-clone server farm and publishing applications. On client devices, a published application looks and behaves like it would if it were a locally installed application, providing seamless integration into the user experience of the client operating system. For example, on Windows client devices, the application icon for the published application appears in the taskbar just as it would for a locally installed application.

Important: This chapter describes publishing applications that are hosted on RDSH servers. With Horizon, you can also publish applications that are hosted on virtual desktops, such as a Windows 10 desktop pool. This feature is especially important if you want to publish applications that are certified only on Windows 10 or that require drivers that are not supported on RDSH servers. For more information, see Deploying Applications that Run on Desktop Pools with VM Hosted Applications in the guide Setting Up Virtual Desktops in Horizon.

To publish applications, administrators create an application pool. Horizon automatically enumerates the installed applications on the RDSH servers. Administrators can select which of the applications to deploy and entitle users to.

This quick-start tutorial demonstrated just how quickly and easily you can use VMware Horizon to create VDI desktops and RDSH-published applications using a Horizon-on-vSphere infrastructure. You completed simple wizards to install and configure a Connection Server, which streamlines provisioning of RDSH servers and cloned desktops.

You then created an automated desktop pool and an automated RDSH server farm. With one simple wizard, you created multiple application pools. Next, you entitled end users to applications and desktops. In addition, this guide provided an overview of features, architecture, and components.

The service interface allows support personnel to communicate withthe service support applications in a server using a console, aninterface, or a terminal. Delivering a clear, concise view ofavailable service applications, the service interface allows thesupport team to manage system resources and service information in anefficient and effective way. Applications available through theservice interface are carefully configured and placed to give serviceproviders access to important service functions.

Call home refers to an automatic or manual call from a customerlocation to the IBM support structure with error log data, serverstatus, or other service-related information. Call home invokes theservice organization in order for the appropriate service action tobegin. Call home can be done through the HMC. While configuring callhome is optional, clients are encouraged to implement this feature inorder to obtain service enhancements such as reduced problemdetermination and faster and potentially more accurate transmittal oferror information. In general, using the call home feature can resultin increased system availability. The Electronic Service Agentapplication can be configured for automated call home. Refer to thenext section for specific details on this application.

Java is supported on POWER8 servers. For best exploitation of theoutstanding performance capabilities and most recent improvements ofPOWER8 technology, IBM recommends upgrading Java-based applications toJava 7 or Java 6, whenever possible.

This feature allows the customer to create partitions that are inunits of less than 1 CPU (sub-CPU LPARs) and allows the same systemI/O to be virtually allocated to these partitions. When PowerVM isinstalled in the system, all activated processors must have thePowerVM feature. A fully activated 4-core system requires that fourof this feature be ordered. An encrypted key is supplied to thecustomer and is installed on the system, authorizing the partitioningat the sub-processor level. PowerVM Enterprise Edition also includesLive Partition Mobility, which allows for the movement of a logicalpartition from one Power6, Power7, Power7+ or Power8 server to anotherPower6, Power7, Power7+ or Power8 with no application downtime. Note:If feature 5228 is ordered, the quantity ordered must be equal to thenumber of active processors.

The PCIe Gen-2 low profile 2-port 4X InfiniBand QDR adapterprovides high speed connectivity with other servers or IB switches.Each port maximum of 40Gb assumes no other system or switchbottlenecks are present.Note: A PCIe Gen2 slot does not have the bandwidth to support two 40Gbports. The benefit of the second 40Gb port is additional attachmentredundancy, not performance. Also note: AIX supports multiple typesof adapter usages across different applications and adapterperformance should generally meet or exceed client needs. But whenusing TCP/IP, some AIX clients may observe less than fullunidirectional link bandwidth and less than linear scaling for duplexbandwidth with the #5283.

This activation feature enables the use of the Coherent AcceleratorProcessor Interface (CAPI) technology capabilities on POWER8processor-based Power Systems using industry accelerator technologies.This can increase performance through faster computational efficiency andby requiring fewer resources to accomplish tasks through directintegration of workload accelerator(s) in the system. When using thisoptional feature (#EC19) one is required per server. The CAPI activationfeature is generic and can be used with separately provided CAPIapplication or hardware from IBM or OEM.

This feature ships 1.6 TB of low write latency, nonvolatile flashmemory on a PCIe Gen3 adapter. Adapter uses NVMe (Non-Volatile Memoryexpress) which is a high performance software interface to read/writethis flash memory. Adapter physically is half length x4 adapter whichcan be used in either a x8 or x16 PCIe Gen3 slot in the system unit.Compared to SAS/SATA SSD the NVMe adapter can provide significantlymore read or write IOPS and significantly larger throughput (GB/sec).CCIN is 58CB. Adapter card is designed for read intensive workloadswith light write activity. Approximately 8,760 TB of data can bewritten over the life of the adapter, but depending on the nature ofthe workload may be somewhat larger. After the warranty period, ifthe maximum write capability is achieved, the adapter's replacementis not covered under IBM maintenance. For high value applicationswhere the content in the adapter must be protected, using additionalNVMe Flash adapter(s) with OS mirroring or software RAID isrecommended. #EC54 and #EC55 are identical cards except that thetailstock bracket is different. #EC54 fits a low profile PCIe slot.#EC55 fits a full high PCIe slot. See also #EC56/EC57 for a card withmore memory. Limitations: Not supported in PCIe Gen3 I/O drawer. Dataprotection not implemented in the card and protection provided by OSmirroring or software RAID.Note: When using Linux OS SLES11 SP4 BE there is a maximum limitation of12 per single LPAR.

This feature ships 3.2 TB of write low latency, nonvolatile flashmemory on a PCIe Gen3 adapter. Adapter uses NVMe (Non-Volatile Memoryexpress) which is a high performance software interface to read/writethis flash memory. Adapter physically is half length x4 adapter whichcan be used in either a x8 or x16 PCIe Gen3 slot in the system unit.Compared to SAS/SATA SSD the NVMe adapter can provide significantlymore read or write IOPS and significantly larger throughput (GB/sec).CCIN is 58CC. Adapter card is designed for read intensive workloadswith light write activity. Approximately 17,500 TB of data can bewritten over the life of the adapter, but depending on the nature ofthe workload may be somewhat larger. After the warranty period, ifthe maximum write capability is achieved, the adapter's replacementis not covered under IBM maintenance. For high value applicationswhere the content in the adapter must be protected, using additionalNVMe Flash adapter(s) with OS mirroring or software RAID isrecommended. #EC56 and #EC57 are identical cards except that thetailstock bracket is different. #EC56 fits a low profile PCIe slot.#EC57 fits a full high PCIe slot. See also #EC54/EC55 for a card withless memory. Limitations: Not supported in PCIe Gen3 I/O drawer. Dataprotection not implemented in the card and protection provided by OSmirroring or software RAID.Note: When using Linux OS SLES11 SP4 BE there is a maximum limitation of12 per single LPAR. 350c69d7ab


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