Cable Modem Hacking Kit 64 Bit
Hi, I have a terrible ongoing problem with someone hacking me over and over and over. It just happened again, and I knew right away because at 4AM one morning my computer restarted itself for no reason. I know it was them doing something. They infect every piece of electronics in the house and the only way to get rid of it is to wipe hard drives of EVERYTHING at once and replace ISP's modem. But this time...wiping my hard drive isn't working. I wiped hard drives with CBL shedder on a usb stick (3 times overwrite) then re-install windows fresh from a windows installation media usb stick. But immediately as soon as I hook up the ethernet wire I can see the hackers installing stuff. I watch the event viewer and I see them installing Azure Actve Directory stuff and they keep installing security certificates. They used 40 GB's of internet in 2 days installing Azure AD crap. I keep wiping the hard drives and they keep reinstalling...I can't stop them. But why not when I wipe the hard drives and do a fresh install of windows, it doesn't get rid of them? Even when I'm installing or wiping using a usb....I see drive X:// and it has remnants of there Azure crap on is that possible if I wiped every hard drive on the computer??? I also notice it says I'm connected to a domain....but then when I go to settings and check if there's a work thing says no. Yet, when I click on network(from explorer) or do a network scan with my says connected to a domain. I suspect when the computer shut off that night...they got into my bios settings and I think maybe the TPM or something. How can I check my bios settings and reset/reinstall the TPM or security??? They MUST have something programmed into the bios so when I wipe the hard drives it doesn't work.
Cable Modem Hacking Kit 64 bit
This app will create a "bootable" device, either burning one DVD-recordable disk, or writing to an empty 8 GB (or larger) USB memory-stick. So, disconnect the Ethernet cable from your computer, when running the Installer, and Windows will create a "local account". Without an Ethernet connection, no additional software can be downloaded/installed -- you will get a "clean" and "minimal" install of Windows.
There is one more little tiny thing that I can't seem to get rid of and it's bad because it's redirecting my internet traffic I believe. When I do ipconfig /all...Theres this DNS suffix search list....hitronhome.hub. It's hard wired or something maybe in the registry or some advanced settings. I do have a Hitron router (shaw cable is coming to change it out)...but this is that Azure stuff. Same thing it said before things went south (it re-labelled computers and cellphones Hitronhub.home), so I'm scared it's trying to come back, My internet is extremely slow and certain websites won't come up at all. Any ideas how to set the DNS suffix??? I have gone into IPv4 and IPV6 properties and enabled everything but it doesn't seem to be in there...not sure? It might be in gpedit.msc under local policy group editor...but I find it very difficult to set up. Also, I never want to be connected to a work account or Azure AD ever again in my life (someone keeps installing that crap on my android cellphones too, and I have to throw them away). Any ideas of how to block connections to Azure or any other MDM if I'm not working and this is my personal home computer??? The more I google it...It seems virtually impossible. I thought of making my own MDM account somewhere (maybe Comodo)and enrolling my PC and phones/tablets maybe the Thanks soooo much for all your help I appreciate it a alot!!! I was really getting stressed out over all this, thank you guys.
There is one more little tiny thing that I can't seem to get rid of and it's bad because it's redirecting my internet traffic I believe. When I do ipconfig /all...Theres this DNS suffix search list....hitronhome.hub. It's hard wired or something maybe in the registry or some advanced settings. I do have a Hitron router (shaw cable is coming to change it out).
1. Why do some modem have only one network while others have 2?(5g and 2.3)2. Is the 5G on my wifi modem faster than the 2.3?3 Does the 5G on wifi modem mean the same as my 5G mobile network? G=Generation?
[Alexander Graf] gave an absolutely hilarious talk at 32C3 about the security flaws he found in cable modems from two large German ISPs. The vulnerability was very serious, resulting in remote root terminals on essentially any affected cable modem, and the causes were trivial: unencrypted passwords in files that are sent over TFTP or Telnet to the modems, for instance.
Well about 10 other countries have this model and make of this modem.Mine ISP included. Funny thing my ISP has an online tool to modify WiFi password and such, sends snmp strings to modify them.I would not be suprised if this has the same thing going on.
Here in Serbia most of the people use Telekom Srbija as their ISP, and get the ADSL modem from them. On all of them the admin password is the same and there is some sort SSH server on them too. Not very capable of doing anything, however you can send pings from it.
This expansion pack adds independent power for complete mobility, further reach, Wi-Fi and radio tools for packet sniffing, drone detection, as well as the ability to add devices to complete your hacking network and isolate it from the customer network both on Wi-Fi and physical Ethernet.
Always remember that the difference between illegal and ethical hacking comes down to one word; permission. It is illegal to utilize these or any other pen testing tools on a network or website without permission.
Today modems that speak over copper or optical fiber are embeddedinvisibly in the Internet access point in your basement; othervarieties perform over-the-air signal handling for smartphones andtablets. A variety every hacker used to know about (and most of usowned) was the "outboard" modem, a separate box wired to your computerand your telephone line.
Inboard modems (expansion cards for your computer) were also known(and became widespread on consumer-grade computers towards the end ofthe modem era), but hackers avoided them because being located insidethe case made them vulnerable to RF noise, and the blinkenlights on anoutboard were useful for diagnosing problems. Also, most hackerslearned to interpret (at least to some extent) modem song - theoutboards made while attempting to establish a connection. Thehappy song of a successful connect was identifiably different fromvarious sad songs of synchronization failure.
There was a line of modems called "Hayes Smartmodems" that could betold to dial a number, or set parameters such as line speed, withcommand codes sent to the modem over its serial link from the machine.Every hacker used to know the "AT" prefix used for commands and that,for example, ATDT followed by a phone number would dial the number.Other modem manufacturers copied the Hayes command set and variants ofit became near universal after 1981.
That property is still useful, and thus in 2017 the ATconvention has survived in some interesting places. AT commands havebeen found to perform control functions on 3G and 4G cellular modemsused in smartphones. On one widely deployed variety, "AT+QLINUXCMD="is a prefix that passes commands to an instance of Linux running infirmware on the chip itself (separately from whatever OS might berunning visibly on the phone).
Because of devices like GPSes, you may still occasionally need to knowwhat an RS-232 "handshake line" is. These were originally used tocommunicate with modems; a terminal, for example, could change thestate of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line to indicate that it wasready to receive, initiate, or continue a modem session.
UUCP stands for Unix to Unix Copy Program. Between its escape fromBell Labs in 1979 and the mass-market Internet explosion of themid-1990s, it provided slow but very low-cost networkingamong Unix sites using modems and the phone network.
Meanwhile, in the microcomputer world, a different kind ofstore-and-forward evolved - the BBS (Bulletin-Board System). This wassoftware running on a computer (after 1991 usually an MS-DOS machine)with one (or, rarely, more) attached modems that could accept incomingphone calls. Users (typically, just one user at a time!) would accessthe BBS using a their own modem and a terminal program; the BBSsoftware would allow them to leave messages for each other, upload anddownload files, and sometimes play games.
During a very brief period after 1990, just before mass-marketInternet, software with BBS-like capabilities but supporting multiplesimultaneous modem users (and often offering USENET access) got writtenfor low-cost Unix systems. The end-stage BBSes, when they survived,moved to the Web and dropped modem access. Thehistoryof chronicles this period.
What do you do with an old cable modem in a closet? If you are [stdw] you reverse engineer it and turn it into a software-defined radio. The modem in question was a Motorola MB7220. After looking at a similar project using a different modem, it seemed like it should be doable.
The RTL SDR is not the only such example though, for there is an entire class of cable modem chipsets that contain the essential SDR building blocks. The Hermes-Lite is an HF amateur radio transceiver project that uses an AD9866 cable modem chip as the signal end for its 12-bit SDR transceiver hardware with an FPGA between it and an Ethernet interface. It covers frequencies from 0 to 38.4 MHz, has 384 kHz of bandwidth, and can muster up 5W of output power.
On the board itself, there is a DDR4 SO-DIMM slot that supports up to32 GB of memory with ECC, an M.2 Key M with support for NVMe SSDs, twoMini-PCIe slots for Wi-Fi or AI accelerators, and an M.2 Key B slotcapable of taking a 4G/5G cellular modem, smaller (42 mm tall) NVMeSSD, or SATA controller card.