Lessons From The Grand Rounds :
Lessons From The Grand Rounds
Grand rounds are a traditional method of medical education and inpatient care, where a patient's case is presented and discussed by a team of doctors, pharmacists, residents, and medical students. Grand rounds have been used for centuries as a way to teach clinical reasoning, update knowledge, and promote collegiality in medicine. However, in recent years, grand rounds have faced some challenges and criticisms, such as lack of patient involvement, low attendance, poor quality, and irrelevance to practice. How can we revitalize grand rounds and make them more effective and engaging for learners and educators? Here are some lessons from the grand rounds that can help us improve this valuable resource.
Make it patient-centered. Grand rounds originated as a patient-centered activity, where the patient was present and could answer questions and provide feedback. However, over time, grand rounds have become more like lectures, where the patient is absent or replaced by an actor. This can reduce the authenticity and empathy of the learning experience. To make grand rounds more patient-centered, we can invite the patient to participate, either in person or virtually, and respect their preferences and privacy. We can also involve the patient's family and caregivers, and ask them to share their perspectives and experiences. This can help learners appreciate the human dimension of medicine and the impact of illness on patients' lives.
Make it interactive. Grand rounds are often delivered as passive presentations, where the audience listens to a speaker without much interaction or feedback. This can limit the engagement and retention of the learners. To make grand rounds more interactive, we can use various strategies, such as asking questions, soliciting opinions, conducting polls, using case-based scenarios, incorporating multimedia, and facilitating discussions. We can also use online platforms and social media to extend the interaction beyond the session and reach a wider audience. This can help learners actively participate in the learning process and apply their knowledge and skills.
Make it relevant. Grand rounds are sometimes perceived as irrelevant or outdated by the learners, who may not see the connection between the topic and their practice. This can reduce the motivation and interest of the learners. To make grand rounds more relevant, we can align the topic with the needs and interests of the learners, and use evidence-based and up-to-date information. We can also provide practical tips and take-home messages that can help learners improve their practice. We can also evaluate the outcomes and impact of grand rounds on learners' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors. This can help learners see the value and applicability of grand rounds to their professional development.
Grand rounds are a precious resource to be nurtured in medical education. By making them more patient-centered, interactive, and relevant, we can enhance their effectiveness and appeal for learners and educators alike. Grand rounds can offer us many lessons to learn from each other and from our patients.
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[Grand rounds - Wikipedia]
[Medical Education Grand Rounds Medical Education - Harvard Medical School]
[Grand rounds: a precious resource to be nurtured]