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Yellow Pages Directory

Times change. People move. Things happen. If you want to find people orget back in touch, you landed in the right spot. We provide an extensiveonline white pages directory where you can find the person you're lookingfor by searching their name or using our other key search options:

yellow pages directory

After finding people in our free White Pages directory, you can take yoursearch even further to find out more about a person. Use the links in asearch result listing to view other phone numbers, detailed backgroundinformation, public records, property records, and more, for a small fee.

Does someone keep calling you, but never leaves a message? Are you getting randomtexts from an unknown number? Have a number in your list of contacts and you can'tremember who it is? Find your mystery contact with a reverse phone lookup.YP provides an extensive white pages directory to help you do some sleuthing.Just enter a phone number in the field above to see who owns that number.

After performing a free reverse phone number lookup with our White Pages directory,you can take your search even further to find out more about that mystery caller ortexter. Use the links in a search result listing to find out more: other phone numbers,background checks, criminal records, public records, property info and records,and more, for a small fee. Explore our other types of searches:

The company was originally formed in 1984 as Southwestern Bell Media, Inc. Its products included the Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages and the Silver Pages, a telephone directory specifically compiled with listings of businesses that were focused on senior citizens.

In 1991, Southwestern Bell Media relocated its corporate domicile to Missouri and became Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages, Inc. Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages also began marketing its yellow pages directory under the "SWBYP'S" name, shorthand for Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages. Telephone numbers to the company also were cleverly named; if customers sought to order more telephone books, they called 1-800-SWB-BOOK; for the advertising side, 1-800-4SWBYPS.

In 1995, Southwestern Bell Corporation changed its name to SBC Communications. The Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages division was reorganized, with Southwestern Bell Advertising, L.P. and Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages Resources, Inc. being formed. Southwestern Bell Advertising compiled directory listings, while Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages was a sales agent for directory advertising.

Yellow Pages is a business database that exists in print and online at Yellow Pages has existed since 1966, making it one of the oldest business directories available. According to Yellow Pages, a basic listing is free. While this advantage can be compelling, there are also a few significant disadvantages of Yellow Pages advertising.

One of the advantages of advertising with Yellow Pages is that it reaches millions of people. Although other databases, such as Google, have grown significantly in recent decades, Yellow Pages is still one of the best-known and trusted providers in directory advertising.

Every effort is made to compile the directory accurately; however, there are instances when errors may occur. The companies assume no liability from damage arising from errors or omissions in publishing the Ozark Regional Directory.

They might then land on a Yellow Pages directory from the search results. Yellow Pages directories tend to rank high organically because they have been around for years. Do a search for your products or services to see if the YP directory listing ranks well.

If so, it might be wise to have your business listed in the directory. Obviously, you have to pay them to be ranked high. But the costs of that are very low compared to their monthly SEO and Adwords packages which, did I mention, are contract based.

Method: Hard copies of the Yellow Pages telephone directory listings of all 18 New Zealand regions for 1992, 1996, 2001 and 2006 were examined. Entries under solaria and sun bed headings were supplemented with entries where sun bed/indoor tanning services were explicitly advertised under hairdressing, beauty therapy/supplies, and health and fitness centre categories. Duplicate listings were eliminated.

The assumption being that tradespeople are often sole traders, and locally oriented making their presence online otherwise limited. Consumers understand this, and disproportionately still search for tradespeople and alike via the yellow pages.

The city of Metropolis is a large city surrounded by a number of suburban cities, A, Band C, etc. The telephone company servicing Metropolis publishes two directories for theentire metropolitan area, one containing the white pages entitled "AlphabeticalDirectory for Greater Metropolis" and one containing the yellow pages entitled"Greater Metropolis Yellow Pages." The company also publishes a combinationdirectory for each of the suburban cities, containing both white and yellow pages. Someattorneys maintain their offices in the suburban cities where they reside. Many otherattorneys reside in a suburban city but maintain their offices in Metropolis.

1. Is it ethical for an attorney who resides in A, B or C, but maintains an office onlyin Metropolis, to be listed in both the Greater Metropolis Yellow Pages and the yellowpages of A, B or C, listing the telephone number of his Metropolis law office?

2. Is it ethical for an attorney who maintains an office in A, B or C to be listed inthe yellow pages of both the Greater Metropolis Directory and in the yellow pages of hissuburban directory, listing the telephone number of his suburban city office?

4. Is it ethical for an attorney ho resides in any of the subject cities, but is notengaged in the active practice of law, to advertise in the yellow pages of any of thedirectories, listing his home telephone number?

A classified telephone directory listing is not a professional card within the meaningof Canon 39 and by its very nature constitutesadvertisement which, strictly speaking, would be in violation of Canon 24. However, as we stated in Opinion 241 (August, 1961), such listings are permissibleas a matter of convenience to the public. The controlling question is whether theparticular listing is reasonably calculated to serve the purpose of public convenience orrather is calculated to solicit business. In Opinion 241 we concluded that listingsoutside the community u here the attorney maintains his office smack more of solicitationthan of serving the convenience of the public and we reaffirm that view.

Thus, it is clear that an attorney officing in Metropolis may not ethically be listedin the classified directory of A, B or C and likewise an attorney officing in A may not beethically listed in the classified directory of B or C.

The Greater Metropolis Directory presents a somewhat different problem. It seemsapparent, however, that the primary purpose of such a directory is to serve the publicconvenience of the entire Metropolitan Area. Therefore, it is our opinion that an attorneyofficing anywhere in the Metropolitan Area may be ethically listed in the yellow pages ofthe Greater Metropolis Directory.

Question 4, pertaining to the non-practicing lawyer, is unique. The majority of theCommittee is of the opinion that if an attorney is not engaged in the practice of lawthere would be no violation of Canon 24 for him to list his home telephone number in theyellow pages of a directory. However, it is difficult to perceive of any valid reason forlisting in the yellow pages if he is not engaged in practice and one might suspect thatsuch a listing is for the purpose of obtaining business to refer to another attorney whois engaged in the active practice. If so, there would be a clear violation of Canon 24.

To sum up, it should be remembered that yellow page listing is permitted only as aconvenience to the public and if a listing goes beyond that legitimate purpose itconstitutes solicitation, in violation of Canon 24.(8-0.)

For most of the 20th century, if you wanted to market your business, you had very limited options: print advertisements, television or radio. But even then, television and radio could be very expensive, so most businesses resorted to print ads in the yellow pages.

Use our database via our interface or our API. Perform searches based on several criteria. Check company data in an ad-free environment.Query our database in real time via our API to develop your own data services such as your business directory.For more specific or one-time needs, please visit our online platform.

The first Yellow Pages directory was published in 1886 by Reuben H. Donnelly in Wheeling, West Virginia. It was just a small pamphlet that listed businesses in the area alphabetically. But it was an instant hit, and within a few years, Yellow Pages directories were being published all across the U.S.

Today, before consumers purchase insurance, they want more information than ever. They want to know all of their options, what it will cost, how long you've been in business and what kind of customer services you offer. In traditional types of advertising, it is difficult to give them that much information.More and more of today and tomorrow's purchasers of insurance are hooked up to the Internet. International Data Corporation (IDC) reports that 18 million households are now online, and predicts that number will grow to 40 million by the year 2001.As consumers search online for information about products and services like those you provide, Yellow Pages publishers are making it easier for Internet surfers to find information by providing online Yellow Pages directories. This article will explain why advertisers use these online directories rather than just relying on individual Web sites to advertise their businesses.Who's online?My brother is a 42-year-old urban planner. He and his wife just had their first baby. Suddenly, he thinks he may need more insurance than he receives from his employer. Like many others of his baby-boomer generation, he demands lots of information before he makes purchasing decisions. Because he often conducts research online for work, he has decided to do the same to check out his insurance options.But where does he begin? Since he is used to referring to his print Yellow Pages, he boots up an electronic Yellow Pages service. He specifies his topic of interest and location, and within a few seconds is looking at listings for insurance agents in his area. One particular listing offers him information on low-cost packages, deferred higher-premium plans and payment options. The ad emphasizes the agent's 20 years of serving the community. My brother even has the opportunity to ask questions electronically and schedule an appointment.Joe Willix, spokesman for GTE's SuperPages, one electronic Yellow Pages service, says studies show that users tend to have a household income of over $50,000 and a higher than average education level. So the typical person using online Yellow Pages may be your ideal client. Willix also reports that "Insurance" is one of the highest consumer usage categories on SuperPages.IDC reports that those who have access to the Internet are using it on a regular basis. Sixty percent of the households online are accessing the Net at least once each day. SuperPages records over 153,000 visits per day, with more than two million hits on specific sites.In a recent study by Find/SVP, a market research group based in New York, Internet users said they were most attracted to the tremendous amount of information available, but they also said they often cannot find what they need. That's where an online Yellow Pages service can help."The purpose of our interactive directory service is to link buyers and sellers," said Willix. "Spending money on a Web page without being part of an online directory is like opening a business without hanging up a sign out front. People have to know a lot about you already just to find you. And what good is a Web page if nobody comes? GTE invests a lot of resources in publicizing our SuperPages service with consumers. Our goal is to make the shopping experience as easy and convenient as possible by offering both printed and online directory services together."Why should you try it?Insurance agents are some of the biggest purchasers of SuperPages ads today. What convinced them to try online advertising? Here are the advantages they considered:* Even a small agency with a limited advertising budget can afford to try an online ad. Many options are available, including those that cost as little as $25 a month--less than a couple of classified ad lines in a local newspaper. Many publishers offer discounts for online services if you also advertise in their print Yellow Pages.* Online ads can include as much information as you want, and they're simple to change. You can provide answers to questions customers frequently ask about specific types of insurance, costs and your experience. And you can easily change the ads to include special promotions.* Electronic advertising is interactive. You can save your office staff time, and avoid having potential customers get a busy signal or be put on hold. People can e-mail you their questions and you can answer them online.* Online Yellow Pages ads reinforce your print advertising. Many print Yellow Pages publishers offer you the opportunity to note your online address in your print ad. This lets people know how they can easily access more information if they choose.* You don't have to be an online expert. The big advantage of contracting with a Yellow Pages publisher to put you online is that you can let the publisher handle your design, programming and maintenance.* If you already have your own Web site, you might consider an option that links your site to an electronic Yellow Pages service, making it possible for potential clients to find you when they don't even know your name, number or URL.* Online services offer you a useful communications tool for keeping your clients informed on an on-going basis.Answers to your concernsOne of the major concerns business owners have about electronic advertising is that because it is so new, most of us have not had time to learn all about it. That's one good reason to contract with a reputable directory publisher rather than trying to create an ad or working with a freelance designer who may have limited experience. Major Yellow Pages publishers have experts on staff who are specifically trained in effective online advertising design. So you don't have to do it all yourself.Online Yellow Pages ads provide the opportunity for immediate interactive response. Information provided in the ads can easily be changed to reflect special promotions.Another concern is that you are adding a new expense to your advertising budget. One way to control the expense is to ask your print Yellow Pages publisher if any special discounts are available if you advertise with the same publisher online. Several publishers offer good package deals. And take a close look at the advertising you are already doing to make sure you are getting the return you should. If you do try online advertising, keep track of your new business and from where it comes, so you can evaluate your advertising expenditures.Also of concern is whether people will actually use this fairly new type of service to find insurance. Statistics show that Internet use is booming, and people are using it to look for goods and services. And since you may not have much competition online yet, this is a good time to get started. Also, the Yellow Pages publisher you use should reference your online ad in your print ad and should heavily promote the online Yellow Pages service to consumers.A final concern is that most insurance agents target local clients and are not interested in receiving calls from people out of state. It is possible to target the online advertisement, and many people who use online Yellow Pages are actually looking for products or services in their specific geographic areas. Online Yellow Page optionsDifferent publishers will offer you a variety of options. Here's an example of the options offered by GTE:* Basic Listing--includes your business name, address, phone and fax number and a map to your location listed under one Yellow Pages category. It is free of charge. SuperPages contains over 11 million nationwide listings.* Fact File--this information is accessible via hyperlink from your Basic Listing and can include information such as your business hours, services and products you offer, and payment methods you accept, which helps match your services to their needs. This costs $25 per month.* Display Advertisement--a "full-page" display ad above your Fact File giving you space for additional information and a graphic display. The cost is $35 per month, which includes the Fact File, with a one-time setup fee of $210.* SuperSitesm--a Web site providing up to three pages of text, graphics and hyperlink. Cost is $95 per month and includes an electronic display ad to help drive traffic to the SuperSite.* Custom Web Site--a professionally designed, custom-built Web site of unlimited size. Provides more information than a SuperSite. Cost is based on functionality and graphic design.* Banner Advertisement--billboard-type ads that appear across the top of Web pages. The Banner ad is also linked to your business's home page or Web site. The cost is based on how specific you want to be in targeting your audience.(Prices are accurate at time of printing but are subject to change.)How to do itFirst, spend some time surfing to see what and how other businesses, especially insurance agencies, advertise online. You can access GTE's SuperPages at , ask yourself whether an online Yellow Pages ad will help you communicate with potential customers. If you think it will, set some objectives for your advertising. For example, you can target a new geographic area, and/or provide yourself with a new way to promote a specific type of coverage.Work with your Yellow Pages publisher on the design of the ad itself. The experts on staff should be able to design the ad for you. Brad Sims, who designs online advertisements, recommends keeping these tips in mind:* Use the tools available to give your ad the maximum impact. Four-color art attracts attention. Animation is effective, especially in banner ads. Be big, bold and creative.* Design with time in mind. People will wait for a limited time for your entire ad to show up on the screen. If it is too complex, and it takes too long to appear, you lose people.* Design for impact. Ignore the confinements of print. You do not have to be constricted by borders and size. Yours is the only ad on the screen.* Look at other sites on the online directories. See what type of ideas and designs you like.* Keep your print Yellow Pages ad in mind. Although you don't have the same constraints, you do want people to recognize you if they've seen your name in print. You should consider using the same logo or similar art.* Remember you can easily change your information or update it. Keep it interesting and informative. Make sure you get your money's worth.Whether it's in print or electronic, you should expect your Yellow Pages advertising to pay its own way. But the only way you'll know for sure is to do an evaluation. When you buy an online Yellow Page ad, ask the sales rep whether the publisher offers any tracking services. Providers of online ads may offer you a response report that shows the number of times someone clicks on your information.If your are d


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