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The Hidden World of Shipping: A Review of Ninety Percent of Everything by Rose George in EPUB Format

Ninety Percent of Everything: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Puts Clothes on Your Back, Gas in Your Car, and Food on Your Plate by Rose George

Have you ever wondered how your clothes, gas, food, and other goods reach your doorstep? Have you ever thought about the people who make it possible for you to enjoy these products? Have you ever realized how much shipping affects your life and the world around you?

ninety percent of everything rose george epub 36


If you answered no to any of these questions, then you should read this book by Rose George. Ninety Percent of Everything is a fascinating and eye-opening exploration of the hidden world of shipping. It reveals how shipping moves ninety percent of everything we consume and how it impacts our environment, health, culture, and history.

In this article, I will tell you why you should read this book, how to get it in EPUB format, and how to enjoy it to the fullest. Let's dive in!

Why You Should Read This Book

Shipping is one of the most important and overlooked industries in the world. It is the lifeblood of our global economy and civilization. Without shipping, we would not have access to most of the things we need and want. Yet, most of us know very little about it.

This book will change that. It will take you on a journey across the oceans and ports, and introduce you to the people and processes that make shipping possible. It will also show you the hidden costs and benefits of shipping, and how it affects our planet and society.

By reading this book, you will learn:

  • How shipping moves ninety percent of everything

  • How shipping affects our environment and health

  • How shipping shapes our culture and history

Let's take a closer look at each of these topics.

The Fascinating Facts About Shipping

One of the reasons why this book is so interesting is that it reveals many fascinating facts about shipping that you may not know. Here are some of them:

  • There are more than 100,000 ships in the world, carrying more than 10 billion tons of cargo every year.

  • The largest container ship can carry more than 20,000 containers, equivalent to 745 million bananas.

  • The shipping industry employs more than 1.5 million people, from sailors to port workers to brokers.

  • The shipping industry is largely unregulated and secretive, with complex ownership structures and flags of convenience.

  • The shipping industry is also highly competitive and risky, with low margins and high volatility.

These are just some of the surprising and intriguing facts that the book uncovers about shipping. There are many more that will make you appreciate the scale and complexity of this industry.

How Shipping Moves Ninety Percent of Everything

One of the main themes of the book is how shipping moves ninety percent of everything we consume. The book explains how the global shipping network operates and how it connects different parts of the world.

The book follows the author's journey on a container ship from Felixstowe in England to Singapore, through the Suez Canal, the pirate-infested waters of Somalia, and the busy ports of Asia. Along the way, she meets various people involved in shipping, such as captains, engineers, pilots, security guards, inspectors, etc. She also learns about the different types of ships, such as bulk carriers, tankers, cruise ships, etc.

The book shows how shipping is a complex and dynamic system that relies on various factors such as weather, politics, economics, technology, etc. It also shows how shipping is constantly evolving and adapting to changing demands and challenges.

How Shipping Affects Our Environment and Health

Another theme of the book is how shipping affects our environment and health. The book reveals the environmental and social costs of shipping and how they can be reduced.

The book exposes some of the negative impacts of shipping on our planet, such as:

  • Shipping emits more than 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year, accounting for about 3% of global emissions.

  • Shipping also emits other pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, etc., which contribute to acid rain, smog, respiratory diseases, etc.

  • Shipping causes noise pollution that disturbs marine life such as whales, dolphins, fish, etc., affecting their communication, navigation, reproduction, etc.

  • Shipping poses a risk of oil spills that can damage marine ecosystems and wildlife.

  • Shipping generates a lot of waste such as plastic, metal, oil, etc., that can end up in the ocean or landfills.

The book also suggests some of the positive impacts of shipping on our planet, such as:

  • Shipping is more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly than other modes of transport such as road or air.

  • Shipping enables trade and development that can improve living standards and reduce poverty.

  • Shipping supports innovation and research that can lead to better technologies and practices for sustainability.

  • Shipping fosters cooperation and dialogue among nations that can promote peace and security.

How Shipping Shapes Our Culture and History

```html shipping and how they have shaped our world.

The book traces the history of shipping from ancient times to modern times, and how it has influenced various aspects of our civilization, such as:

  • Shipping has enabled the exchange of goods, ideas, cultures, religions, languages, etc., among different regions and peoples.

  • Shipping has facilitated the discovery and exploration of new lands and oceans, and the expansion and colonization of territories.

  • Shipping has sparked wars and conflicts, but also alliances and cooperation, among nations and empires.

  • Shipping has inspired art and literature, such as paintings, poems, novels, films, etc., that reflect the beauty and mystery of the sea.

The book also examines the current and future trends of shipping and how they will affect our culture and history, such as:

  • Shipping is becoming more automated and digitalized, with the use of artificial intelligence, blockchain, drones, etc.

  • Shipping is facing new challenges and opportunities, such as climate change, piracy, terrorism, geopolitics, etc.

  • Shipping is creating new forms of culture and identity, such as seafarers' communities, maritime heritage, ocean literacy, etc.

How to Get This Book in EPUB Format

Now that you know why you should read this book, you may be wondering how to get it in EPUB format. EPUB is a popular and widely supported format for e-books that allows you to read them on various devices such as e-readers, tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.

In this section, I will guide you on how to download or purchase this book in EPUB format for your e-reader or device. There are two main ways to do this:

  • Download this book for free from various sources

  • Purchase this book legally from different platforms and vendors

Let's look at each of these options in more detail.

What is EPUB Format and Why You Should Use It

Before we proceed to the next steps, let me explain what EPUB format is and why you should use it. EPUB stands for Electronic Publication and it is a standard format for e-books that was developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF).

EPUB format has many advantages over other formats such as PDF or MOBI. Some of them are:

  • EPUB format is compatible with most e-readers and devices such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.

  • EPUB format is flexible and adaptable to different screen sizes and orientations. You can adjust the font size, style, color, layout, etc., according to your preferences.

  • EPUB format is interactive and multimedia-friendly. You can embed images, audio, video, hyperlinks, etc., in your e-book.

  • EPUB format is accessible and user-friendly. You can use features such as bookmarks, annotations, highlights, search function, dictionary function, etc., to enhance your reading experience.

How to Download This Book for Free

```html you can follow these steps:

  • Go to a website that offers free e-books in EPUB format, such as Project Gutenberg, Open Library, ManyBooks, etc.

  • Search for the title of the book or the author's name in the search box.

  • Select the book from the list of results and click on the download link or button.

  • Choose EPUB as the format and save the file to your device or e-reader.

  • Open the file with your preferred e-reader app or software and enjoy reading.

Here is an example of how to download this book for free from Project Gutenberg:


1. Go to

2. Search for "Rose George" in the search box.

3. Select "Ninety Percent of Everything" from the list of results and click on it.

4. Choose EPUB as the format and click on the download link.

5. Save the file to your device or e-reader and open it with your preferred e-reader app or software.

The Legal and Ethical Issues of Downloading Books for Free

Before you download this book for free, you should be aware of the potential legal and ethical issues of doing so. Downloading books for free may violate the copyright laws and the intellectual property rights of the author and the publisher. This may result in legal consequences such as fines, lawsuits, or even imprisonment.

Downloading books for free may also harm the author and the publishing industry. By downloading books for free, you are depriving them of their income and their incentive to create more quality books. This may affect their livelihood and their ability to produce more books for you and other readers to enjoy.

Therefore, I recommend that you only download books for free from legitimate sources that have obtained permission from the author and the publisher to distribute them for free. These sources include public domain books, open access books, library books, etc. You should also respect the terms and conditions of these sources and not share or distribute them without authorization.

If you like this book and want to support the author, I suggest that you purchase a legal copy of this book from a reputable platform or vendor. This way, you can show your appreciation and gratitude to the author and help them continue writing more books for you and other readers to enjoy.

How to Purchase This Book Legally

```html you can choose from several options depending on your preferences and budget. Some of these options are:

  • Buy this book directly from the author's website or blog. This way, you can get the most updated and authentic version of this book and support the author directly.

  • Buy this book from an online bookstore or retailer such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc. This way, you can get a wide selection of books and prices and enjoy various features and services such as reviews, recommendations, discounts, etc.

  • Buy this book from an e-book subscription service such as Scribd, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, etc. This way, you can get unlimited access to thousands of books and audiobooks for a fixed monthly fee.

Here is an example of how to buy this book legally from Amazon:


1. Go to

2. Search for "Ninety Percent of Everything Rose George" in the search box.

3. Select "Ninety Percent of Everything: Inside Shipping..." from the list of results and click on it.

4. Choose EPUB as the format and click on the buy now or add to cart button.

5. Complete the payment process and download the file to your device or e-reader.

The Benefits of Purchasing Books Legally

By purchasing this book legally in EPUB format for your e-reader or device, you can enjoy many benefits such as:

  • Supporting the author and the publishing industry. By purchasing this book legally, you are rewarding the author for their hard work and creativity and helping them continue writing more books for you and other readers to enjoy. You are also supporting the publishing industry that provides quality books and services to readers and authors.

  • Getting updates and extra features. By purchasing this book legally, you can get access to the latest updates and revisions of this book and any extra features that may be included such as bonus chapters, illustrations, interviews, etc.

  • Having a better reading experience. By purchasing this book legally, you can have a better reading experience with a high-quality and error-free file that is compatible with your device or e-reader. You can also avoid any viruses or malware that may come with illegal downloads.

  • Avoiding legal and ethical issues. By purchasing this book legally, you can avoid any legal and ethical issues that may arise from downloading books for free illegally. You can also avoid any guilt or remorse that may come with depriving the author of their income and recognition.

How to Enjoy This Book to the Fullest

Now that you have this book in EPUB format for your e-reader or device, you may be wondering how to enjoy it to the fullest. Reading a book is not just a passive activity but an active one that involves your mind and emotions. Therefore, I will give you some tips and suggestions on how to make the most out of reading this book.

Some of these tips and suggestions are:

  • How to read this book effectively

  • How to discuss this book with others

  • How to apply this book to your life

Let's look at each of these tips and suggestions in more detail.

How to Read This Book Effectively

To read this book effectively, you need to have a clear goal and a good strategy. You need to know why you are reading this book and what you want to get out of it. You also need to know how to read this book in a way that maximizes your comprehension and retention.

Some of the advice on how to read this book effectively are:

  • Set a goal for reading this book. For example, you may want to learn more about shipping, improve your vocabulary, or just have fun.

  • Take notes while reading this book. For example, you may want to write down the main points, the key facts, the interesting quotes, the questions you have, etc.

  • Highlight or bookmark the important parts of this book. For example, you may want to highlight or bookmark the parts that you find useful, relevant, surprising, or inspiring.

  • Review and summarize what you have read. For example, you may want to review and summarize each chapter or section after you finish reading it.

  • Test yourself on what you have learned. For example, you may want to test yourself on the facts, concepts, or vocabulary that you have learned from this book.

How to Discuss This Book With Others

To discuss this book with others, you need to have a good platform and a good topic. You need to know where and how to find other people who have read or are interested in reading this book. You also need to know what to talk about and how to express your thoughts and opinions on this book.

Some of the ideas on how to discuss this book with others are:

  • Join a book club or a reading group that focuses on this book or similar books. For example, you may want to join an online or offline book club or reading group that specializes in non-fiction books, maritime books, or environmental books.

  • Write a review or a comment on this book on a website or a blog. For example, you may want to write a review or a comment on this book on Amazon, Goodreads, your own blog, etc.

  • Post your thoughts or questions on this book on social media. For example, you may want to post your thoughts or questions on this book on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

  • Start a conversation with someone who has read or is interested in reading this book. For example, you may want to start a conversation with your friend, family member, colleague, neighbor, etc., who has read or is interested in reading this book.

How to Apply This Book to Your Life

To apply this book to your life, you need to have a good action plan and a good motivation. You need to know what you can do and what you want to do based on what you have learned from this book. You also need to know why you are doing it and how it will benefit you and others.

Some of the examples on how to apply this book to your life are:

  • Become more aware of shipping and its impact on your life and the world. For example, you may want to pay more attention to where your goods come from and how they are transported, and appreciate the people and processes behind them.

```html to buy less and buy local, recycle and reuse your goods, avoid single-use plastics, use public transport or carpooling, etc.

  • Explore new cultures and histories that are connected to shipping. For example, you may want to visit a maritime museum, read a maritime novel, watch a maritime documentary, learn a maritime language, etc.


In conclusion, Ninety Percent of Everything by Rose George is a fascinating and eye-opening book that reveals the hidden world of shipping and its impact on our lives and the world. It shows how shipping moves ninety percent of everything we consume and how it affects our environment, health, culture, and history.

If you want to read this book in EPUB format for your e-reader or device, you can either download it for free from various sources or purchase it legally from different platforms and vendors. You can also enjoy this book to the fullest by reading it effectively, discussing it with others, and applying it to your life.

I hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who may also be interested in this book. And if you have any questions or comments about this book or this article, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading and happy reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about this book and this article:

  • Who is Rose George and what is her background?

Rose George is a British journalist and autho


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